What Keeps Potatoes Fresh?
We told you everything about how we harvest potatoes throughout the Fall in this blog... but have you ever wondered how you can still enjoy Cal-Ore Produce's potatoes all year long? It all comes down to our cellars, which keep potatoes at the absolute best conditions for long-term freshness. These particular cellars are each 250 feet long by 60 feet wide and hold 110,000 sacks of potatoes!
Let's check out how they work!
First, there's the control room, including state-of-the-art control panels.
Let's take a closer look -
Potatoes thrive in around 40 degrees Fahrenheit and a high humidity, but just in case any changes need to be made, this control panel can be monitored and accessed from a smartphone, tablet, or computer from any location with a wireless connection!
Now, let's see what this panel is actually controlling:
In the hallway shown above, there is essentially a giant swamp cooler that puts out cold, humid air that is spread through the entirety of the cellar with fans.
These pipes shown below were placed beneath the potatoes during harvest and have holes in them so that even potatoes at the bottom of the gigantic pile get some of that refreshing cool humidity.
For even more detailed distribution of air, any of these pipes can be blocked with the white panels.
Pretty neat, huh? While we're here, let's see how our potatoes are doing!
After climbing roughly two stories up, here is the incredible view:
These lights are usually kept off because darkness is another helpful way to keep potatoes fresh, but boy was I grateful to have them on walking nearly the length of a football field on this catwalk!
Ed Staunton, one of our farmers, went to check and see how the potatoes are doing and, judging by his smile, they're doing great!
And taking a closer look ourselves, we agree - months after harvest, these potatoes are still in fantastic condition to be cleaned off, boxed up, and sent off to make delicious dinners for you and thousands of others who love Cal-Ore Produce's potatoes!